Sunday 5th May was Dawn Chorus Day. How was yours?
Here in Pembrokeshire we had a cloudier day after a stunning sunny
Saturday (then a perfect Bank Holiday Monday), but the campers noted
plenty of birdsong from the camping grounds, the meadow and also within
our own woodland “Granny’s Wood”. And not just a dawn chorus, but
throughout the day.

The RSPB tell us that the dawn chorus is a symphony of song performed
by birds looking for love and to defend their patch. It’s usually loudest in
the morning when the light is lower and the air is still, allowing the sound
to carry further.
Our regular entertainers include robins, blackbirds, wrens, warblers,
sparrows, cha0nches, blue and great tits, with more gold1nches also
being seen and heard recently.
From Quarry Park we can also see buzzards and red kite, with one buzzard
spending time in the trees right by our approach lane, and often swooping
along the lane to lead the way to our entrance.
We don’t think there’s a much better sensation than lying under canvas,
hearing the local birds give us their best.